In a world of powerful, almost devil-like beings, strengthened by his noble lineage, Aramoto Kakumo shall exist to get rid of a world of the powerful beings which is in darkness. His brother Kishimoto Kakumo gave him this task shortly before his unexplainable disappearance. At the same time, he presented him with his inheritance in the form of a crystal necklace, which has unparalleled abilities if you speak a secret spell aloud in front of it. But only a heavenly angel knows this spell, for whose help Aramoto has to beg. As a result of his adventures, Aramoto loses his family and his homeland of Marlovina. As he is about to ask the heavenly angel for help, he fatefully meets a young woman who pretends to know the whereabouts of the heavenly angel whom Aramoto is supposed to ask for help. Both now set off together to carry out Aramato's order. Aramato sees himself become different in the offspring of his commission given to him by his brother Kishimoto Kakumo, so that he realizes that the love between two people is greater than the salvation of the world.