In a world of sky islands orbiting around a core of mist, humanity is besieged with countless threats. When a young girl from the slums unwittingly becomes one of those threats, she finds herself capable of horrific things that she can't help but learn to love...
Vigor Mortis is a lighthearted story about existential terror. Come for the horror, stay for the hope.
Updates Fridays. Enjoy the read!
View | Series | Vol | Chap | Extra | Group/Host |
Vigor Mortis | 194 | 194. Num Malus Eram | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 193 | 193. Apotheosis | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 192 | 192. The Island of Life and Death | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 191 | 191. Found Family | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 190 | 190. Lost Marbles | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 189 | 189. Consumat Mundum | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 188 | 188. And Welcome To The Jam | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 187 | 187. Tour Guide | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 186 | 186. Mom Trifecta | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 185 | 185. Together | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 184 | 184. Crumbling Away | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 183 | 183. Absolution | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 182 | 182. Partial Reconciliations | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 181 | 181. Patient Examination | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 180 | 180. Bisection | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 179 | 179. Deals with Devils | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 178 | 178. Skyclad | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 177 | 177. Investigations | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 176 | 176. Teleology | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 175 | 175. Chasm of Disdain | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 174 | 174. Unspeakable Horrors | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 173 | 173. Regrettable but Inevitable | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 172 | 172. Monsters and Mortals | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 171 | 171. Little Bug | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 170 | 170. Principissa Vita | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 169 | 169. Principissa Mortis | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 168 | 168. Smooth | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 167 | 167. Resignation | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 166 | 166. Come On And Slam | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 165 | 165. Better Than Ever | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 164 | 164. Both | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 163 | 163. Duty and Station | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 162 | 162. Little Sister | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 161 | 161. Lost Comforts | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 160 | 160. Pneuma | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 159 | 159. Queen's Gambit | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 158 | 158. Superior Master | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 157 | 157. Shells | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 156 | 156. Calamity Protocol | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 155 | 155. Truce | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 154 | 154. Worldshaker | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 153 | 153. Demigod Daycare | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 152 | 152. City Killer | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 151 | 151. Propositions | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 150 | 150. Subterfuge | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 149 | 149. Drinking Games | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 148 | 148. In Plain Sight | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 147 | 147. Dissonance | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 146 | 146. Aftershock | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 145 | 145. Do or Die | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 144 | 144. Heresy | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 143 | 143. Ironsoul | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 142 | 142. Follow Orders | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 141 | 141. Soul to Soul | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 140 | 140. Stronger | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 139 | 139. Big Happy Family | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 138 | 138. Make Cuddles, Also War | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 137 | 137. Contentment | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 136 | 136. Toy Story | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 135 | 135. Survival Preferred | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 134 | 134. She Deserves It | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 133 | 133. Depressed Face | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 132 | 132. Stained Glass | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 131 | 131. Hollow Vessel | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 130 | 130. Skeletons in the Closet | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 129 | 129. Unwanted Responsibility | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 128 | 128. Trustworthy | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 127 | 127. Fire Flight | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 126 | 126. Sleeping Dragon | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 125 | 125. Cross-Purposes | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 124 | 124. Reunited | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 123 | 123. Homemade Horrors | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 122 | 122. The Road Home | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 121 | 121. Letting It Out | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 120 | 120. Pass or Fail | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 119 | 119. Last Meal | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 118 | 118. Stairway to Heaven | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 117 | 117. Difference in Scale | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 116 | 116. Ars Longa, Vita Brevis | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 115 | 115. Filia Mortis | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 114 | 114. Lost and Found | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 113 | 113. Crime Against Nature | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 112 | 112. Parallels | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 111 | 111. Meet and Greet | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 110 | 110. Invasive Examinations | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 109 | 109. Epsilon-One | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 108 | 108. Site 4 | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 107 | 107. Goes Unpunished | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 106 | 106. Laws and Customs of War | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 105 | 105. No Good Deed | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 104 | 104. Deum Timete | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 103 | 103. Boss Battle | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 102 | 102. Stealth Mission | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 101 | 101. Plotting Dates | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 100 | 100. Life and Death | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 99 | 99. Humanity Overrated | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 98 | 98. Time to Think | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 97 | 97. Heretic House | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 96 | 96. Making Headway | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 95 | 95. Weird Mask Day | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 94 | 94. Hindsight and Forethought | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 93 | 93. Being Seen | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 92 | 92. Lady in Waiting | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 91 | 91. Personal | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 90 | 90. Disgusting | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 89 | 89. Rhetorical Questions | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 88 | 88. Good Deed | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 87 | 87. No Escape | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 86 | 86. Monster vs. Monster | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 85 | 85. Spooky Sensations | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 84 | 84. Trust and Respect | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 83 | 83. Monster | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 82 | 82. Inevitable Decision | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 81 | 81. Forest Ecosystem | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 80 | 80. Being Known | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 79 | 79. Blue Ocean | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 78 | 78. Atrophy | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 77 | 77. Family Feast | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 76 | 76. Skyfall | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 75 | 75. Calm Before the Storm | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 74 | 74. Divinity | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 73 | 73. Immune System | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 72 | 72. What He Deserves | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 71 | 71. Center of Attention | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 70 | 70. Feelings | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 69 | 69. Sovereign Right | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 68 | 68. Let Them Come | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 67 | 67. Pit of Despair | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 66 | 66. Big Sister | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 65 | 65. Rest and Recrimination | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 64 | 64. Understanding | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 63 | 63. Void Child | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 62 | 62. Void Beast | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 61 | 61. Delicious Humans | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 60 | 60. Stretched Thin | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 59 | 59. Chicken Soup for the Undead Soul | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 58 | 58. Fragile | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 57 | 57. Family Meeting | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 56 | 56. Soul Surgery | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 55 | 55. Head Full of Sky | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 54 | 54. Draken's Den | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 53 | 53. A Lark's Story | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 52 | 52. Big Happy Family | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 51 | 51. Twisted Love | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 50 | 50. Stacking the Deck | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 49 | 49. Do No Harm | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 48 | 48. Things That Matter | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 47 | 47. Work-Life Balance | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 46 | 46. A Hunter's Song | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 45 | 45. Lonely Genocide | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 44 | 44. Worst Nightmare | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 43 | 43. Penultimate Practice | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 42 | 42. Hugs and Horrors | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 41 | 41. No Better Option | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 40 | 40. Family of Lies | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 39 | 39. Lines Drawn | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 38 | 38. Deus ex Anima | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 37 | 37. The One Below All | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 36 | 36. Connections Drawn | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 35 | 35. Future Promises | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 34 | 34. Trapped Inside | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 33 | 33. Lion's Den | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 32 | 32. Mother of Thieves | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 31 | 31. Hiverock Night | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 30 | 30. Poisonous Revelations | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 29 | 29. Take Your Vitamins | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 28 | 28. Friendship Prison | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 27 | 27. Monster Mash | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 26 | 26. Ego Death | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 25-2 | 25. Shattered Mirror, Pt. 2 | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 24-1 | 24. Shattered Mirror, Pt. 1 | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 23 | 23. Sleeping Twice | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 22 | 22. Future Worries | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 21 | 21. Girl Behind the Window | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 20 | 20. Culture Shock | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 19 | Sticky-Souled Situation | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 19 | 19. Sticky-Souled Situation | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 18 | Hound eat Hound | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 18 | 18. Hound eat Hound | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 17 | Monstrous Musings | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 17 | 17. Monstrous Musings | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 16 | 16. Rout on the Route | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 16 | Rout on the Route | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 15 | 15. Growing Vigilance | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 15 | Growing Vigilance | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 14 | 14. Hugs at Home | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 14 | Hugs at Home | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 13 | The Cusp | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 13 | 13. The Cusp | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 12 | Home Team | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 12 | 12. Home Team | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 11 | Team Training | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 11 | Scribble Hub | ||
Vigor Mortis | 11 | 11. Team Training | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 10 | Scribble Hub | ||
Vigor Mortis | 10 | Hunting for Friends | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 10 | 10. Hunting for Friends | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 9 | Fattening Up | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 9 | Scribble Hub | ||
Vigor Mortis | 9 | 9. Fattening Up | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 8 | Not a Kiddo | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 8 | Scribble Hub | ||
Vigor Mortis | 8 | 8. Not a Kiddo | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 7 | Scribble Hub | ||
Vigor Mortis | 7 | Living Blasphemy | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 7 | 7. Living Blasphemy | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 6 | Scribble Hub | ||
Vigor Mortis | 6 | The Mistwatcher | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 6 | 6. The Mistwatcher | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 5 | Scribble Hub | ||
Vigor Mortis | 5 | Yellow Sky | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 5 | 5. Yellow Sky | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 4 | Scribble Hub | ||
Vigor Mortis | 4 | Still Warm | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 4 | 4. Still Warm | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 3 | Return with Interest | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 3 | 3. Return with Interest | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 3 | Scribble Hub | ||
Vigor Mortis | 2 | Their Soul and You | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 2 | 2. Their Soul and You | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 2 | Scribble Hub | ||
Vigor Mortis | 1 | Wavering Souls | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 1 | Scribble Hub | ||
Vigor Mortis | 1 | 1. Wavering Souls | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 2 | ???: Dragoneye Mortis, Part 2 | RoyalRoadL | |
Vigor Mortis | 1 | ???: Dragoneye Mortis, Part 1 | RoyalRoadL |