God has disappeared, and an election will start to decide who will become the next overlord of the universe. When Bruce heard those words, he couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. Game screens began to appear before him, and he even could see a HUD bar in the corner of his vision. The thing that he most desired in his teenage years had started on Earth: a magical apocalypse.
Even when a monster suddenly appeared in his room, Bruce didn't get fazed by it. If anything, he was thankful for such an event for happening and that ended up taking him away from his boring life. While many fought with pure terror on their faces, Bruce fought while smiling. It was evident that he wasn't completely sane, but that helped him at the beginning. The question is: will that help him for long? Will Bruce become even more insane while Earth gets shallowed by numerous waves of monsters, demons, and angels? There is only one way to find out...