Two Dragon Beasts produced a Golden Egg.
With a soul that could only be found in a flower or tree, how will this new Dragon live to adulthood?
Wikia related to the story. I reference it and use it as a guide through my own universe. \/\/
I am trying to keep the MC as a non-humanoid throughout the story.
I have been tired with non-humanoids who always stay as a humanoid... kind of defeats the purpose. So yes, there is some non-humanoid action but that is partly to fulfill mating seasons where hormones are active.
But there is also action when the MC is using a realistic Avatar. This kind of gives both sides of a coin.
Pre-Edit - Flow of consciousness in the present tense(?)
1st Edit - Major & Tedious present to past tense correction to past and grammar / flow. (narration not explaining the story from a campfire, but a 1st person view(?))
2nd Edit - Adding details, (*cough* garnish) anti-chuuni filters, socialization, emotions and expansions of non-major plotlines.