Reborn into the magical world of Gaea, our main character suddenly remembers her past life.
As a bright light enveloped my sight, memories of another life -a previous life- flashed before my eyes. So much information poured into my little six year old brain that it sent me reeling, almost like a bolt of lightning through my head. I'm not sure how long it took me to process all of that, but judging by the slow and loud ticking sound, what felt like hours was most likely only a few seconds.
Blinking whilst trying to keep my footing, I fought off a wave of nausea.
I, Velloa Imitheos, child of Ahkua and Hakoda Imitheos, am in the world of Gaea. Therefore, if my so called 'memories' are true, this is the setting of the otome game "Hera: Captured Hearts" and I am the villainess of the game. However, judging by what I was just told by my Father, it looks like I will also be taking on the role of one of the love interests.