Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life

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Häerandar is a true elf, a proud knight of the first empire, a good father and a loving husband or at least he was until a coalition of human won the war against the first empire. After executing his family the human's leader decided to make him suffer the unlife turning him into an undead but something gone wrong and Häerandar is put into a deep slumber, when he awoke nearly a half millenium has passed and he is going to try to find a way to get his old good sword a good joob, Fun, gore, tear, DRAMA, ROMANCE and MUSTACHE.

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Last Update:
2523 d, 21 h ago Probably stalled or dropped!
Alternate Names: [edit] [history]
  • Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life
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Releases found: 25

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Series Releases:

Latest release - ch. 24.0
View Series Vol Chap Extra Group/Host
Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life 24 The old warrior meet a beast RoyalRoadL
Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life 23 No chapter today, Sorry T-T RoyalRoadL
Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life 22 Short chapter for christmas RoyalRoadL
Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life 22 The old warrior got his first recruit RoyalRoadL
Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life 21 The old warrior is planning his future RoyalRoadL
Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life 20 The old warrior pays respect RoyalRoadL
Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life 19 No Chapter This Week RoyalRoadL
Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life 18 The old warrior meets an even older warrior RoyalRoadL
Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life 17 An old warrior decision RoyalRoadL
Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life 16 Some days of rest. RoyalRoadL
Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life 15 Side story #1 : The author and a goddess of the spear RoyalRoadL
Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life 14 I will not post Häerandar until September RoyalRoadL
Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life 13 Run out of idea .... give me moar !! pretty please. RoyalRoadL
Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life 12 The old warrior remember the past RoyalRoadL
Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life 11 Another midget in the house RoyalRoadL
Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life 10 The author has a twisted sense of humor RoyalRoadL
Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life 9 The Midget RoyalRoadL
Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life 8 The Old warrior has heard enough prophecies to know they are tiring RoyalRoadL
Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life 7 The old warrior might have been a professor RoyalRoadL
Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life 6 The old warrior didn't know sleeping in the wood with a man-hungry woman was a bad idea RoyalRoadL
Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life 5 The old warrior also know how to run RoyalRoadL
Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life The old warrior know the way of the sword. RoyalRoadL
Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life I heard that those who have fallen shall always rise RoyalRoadL
Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life The warrior of the past RoyalRoadL
Häerandar the elf who is searching for a better life The world has changed for the old warrior RoyalRoadL