Let Me Solo This Boss

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Level 999 Max player Klade was always known to solo bosses on his own, or steal boss kills from other players, which caused him to be the strongest player in Shadow Lance Online, the worlds most popular and immersive VRMMORPG game.

But after the DLC expansion for the game comes out, and everyone plays it, the game becomes a little too real, those who died in the game are dying for real, and everyone is transferred to the DLC game world with all new maps, characters, classes, quests, and a storyline.

The game has become real, and the demigods, gods, bosses, are even realer than ever. But something strange happens, Klade is dropped back to level 1, his Dragonhound Blacksmith class resetting.

Can Klade survive this new world, and still solo every boss he wants?

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87 d, 4 h ago Probably stalled or dropped!
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  • Let Me Solo This Boss
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Releases found: 17

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Series Releases:

Latest release - ch. 17.0
View Series Vol Chap Extra Group/Host
Let Me Solo This Boss 17 Chapter 17: Berserker RoyalRoadL
Let Me Solo This Boss 16 Chapter 16: Seven Vs Royalty RoyalRoadL
Let Me Solo This Boss 15 Chapter 15: Dove's Song RoyalRoadL
Let Me Solo This Boss 14 Chapter 14: First Dungeon RoyalRoadL
Let Me Solo This Boss 13 Chapter 13: Invaded RoyalRoadL
Let Me Solo This Boss 12 Chapter 12: Old Drunk Bastard RoyalRoadL
Let Me Solo This Boss 11 Chapter 11: A New World RoyalRoadL
Let Me Solo This Boss 10 Chapter 10: Let Me Solo Her RoyalRoadL
Let Me Solo This Boss 9 Chapter 9: War Under The Moon RoyalRoadL
Let Me Solo This Boss 8 Chapter 8: Calm Before The Storm RoyalRoadL
Let Me Solo This Boss 7 Chapter 7: Holyland RoyalRoadL
Let Me Solo This Boss 6 Chapter 6: White Lotus RoyalRoadL
Let Me Solo This Boss 5 Chapter 5: Easy Money RoyalRoadL
Let Me Solo This Boss 4 Chapter 4 : I Only Fight Bosses RoyalRoadL
Let Me Solo This Boss 3 Chapter 3: Asura's Wrath RoyalRoadL
Let Me Solo This Boss 2 Chapter 2: First Scenario RoyalRoadL
Let Me Solo This Boss 1 Chapter 1: Shadow Lance RoyalRoadL