I See Red

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Three brothers and Boston police officers respond to a home invasion by a fictional creature. Little do the Morris brothers know that their city is in more danger than they thought. Soon, the situation spirals out of control, and Pat, Shawn, and Daniel must save Boston before they all see red. Lycanroc TF.

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Last Update:
103 d, 21 h ago Probably stalled or dropped!
Alternate Names: [edit] [history]
  • I See Red
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Releases found: 4

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Series Releases:

Latest release - ch. 4.0
View Series Vol Chap Extra Group/Host
I See Red 4 Fallout RoyalRoadL
I See Red 3 You Are Fake News RoyalRoadL
I See Red 2 The Game RoyalRoadL
I See Red 1 Pilot RoyalRoadL