Of Adventurers and Monsters

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Quick summaryThe story follows a single character, a human called Cooper, from nobody in particulars perspective, third person. Cooper finds himself in a new world with no memories except his own name and nothing to guide him, at first anyways. Standard RPG-like stats and classes, with a bit more personal choice and growth variance than usual when it comes to Skills and Classes.What to expectYou can expect leveling, classes, stats, skills, hp, mana, typical 'examine' feature you may know and hopefully love. Dungeons and monsters will have a heavy emphasis but human enemies are also present. Focus on world building and the infamous System. Many non-permanent characters, MC will have a more regular group but expect this to be less regular than other stories of the genre. MCs previous world is not relevant to the story in any way other than "it exist, he from there". Technology is medieval, no guns or early variations of guns. Magical materials influence how equipment functions.Multiple races, some more prevalent in the different regions of the world.Stat and Skill pages, classic blue box stuff, will become more common as the story goes on.MCs way into the world is not uncommon and he isn't the only one to arrive in the way he does, but most of the population is native to the world.

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90 d, 12 h ago Probably stalled or dropped!
Alternate Names: [edit] [history]
  • Of Adventurers and Monsters
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Releases found: 26

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Latest release - ch. 25.0
View Series Vol Chap Extra Group/Host
Of Adventurers and Monsters 25 Chapter - 25 RoyalRoadL
Of Adventurers and Monsters 24 Chapter - 24 RoyalRoadL
Of Adventurers and Monsters 23 Chapter - 23 RoyalRoadL
Of Adventurers and Monsters 22 Chapter - 22 RoyalRoadL
Of Adventurers and Monsters 21 Chapter - 21 RoyalRoadL
Of Adventurers and Monsters 20 Chapter - 20 RoyalRoadL
Of Adventurers and Monsters 19 Chapter - 19 RoyalRoadL
Of Adventurers and Monsters 18 Chapter - 18 RoyalRoadL
Of Adventurers and Monsters 17 Chapter - 17 RoyalRoadL
Of Adventurers and Monsters 16 Chapter - 16 RoyalRoadL
Of Adventurers and Monsters 15 Chapter - 15 RoyalRoadL
Of Adventurers and Monsters 14 Chapter - 14 RoyalRoadL
Of Adventurers and Monsters 13 Chapter - 13 RoyalRoadL
Of Adventurers and Monsters 12 Chapter - 12 RoyalRoadL
Of Adventurers and Monsters 11 Chapter - 11 RoyalRoadL
Of Adventurers and Monsters 10 Chapter - 10 RoyalRoadL
Of Adventurers and Monsters 9 Chapter - 9 RoyalRoadL
Of Adventurers and Monsters 8 Chapter - 8 RoyalRoadL
Of Adventurers and Monsters 7 Chapter - 7 RoyalRoadL
Of Adventurers and Monsters 6 Chapter - 6 RoyalRoadL
Of Adventurers and Monsters 5 Chapter - 5 RoyalRoadL
Of Adventurers and Monsters 4 Chapter - 4 RoyalRoadL
Of Adventurers and Monsters 3 Chapter - 3 RoyalRoadL
Of Adventurers and Monsters 2 Chapter - 2 RoyalRoadL
Of Adventurers and Monsters 1 Chapter - 1 RoyalRoadL
Of Adventurers and Monsters Prologue - 0 RoyalRoadL