Crimson Haze

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Somewhere deep inside us lives a monster, pure evil jumping at every opportunity to be released. Greed, pride, envy, jealousy, hatred, revenge, whatever it may be it takes over all rational thought at the slightest taste. The be all end all of this corruption, where it all stems...power. In a chaotic world full of uncertainty lay dormant a new threat to civilization. Something that would make everyday problems seem like godsends. Something truly evil that brings out the evil inside, the unnatural era in humanity that still plagues the world to this day. Follow alongside Brian, Xavier, Z and others as they attempt to survive and navigate this new superhuman reality. Battling to uncover and defeat a bigger threat than any individual.

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Last Update:
12 d, 13 h ago
Alternate Names: [edit] [history]
  • Crimson Haze
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Releases found: 6

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Series Releases:

Latest release - ch. 6.0 pt. 1.0
View Series Vol Chap Extra Group/Host
Crimson Haze 6-1 Chapter 6. Rubeus? (part 1) RoyalRoadL
Crimson Haze 5-1 Chapter 5. The Bureau (Part 1) RoyalRoadL
Crimson Haze 4 Chapter 4. [Redacted] RoyalRoadL
Crimson Haze 3 Chapter 3. Trouble in Paradise RoyalRoadL
Crimson Haze 2 Chapter 2. Neural Connection RoyalRoadL
Crimson Haze 1 Chapter 1. Genesis RoyalRoadL