Ethan Reed, once an ordinary young man from Earth, finds himself mysteriously transported to the vibrant and wondrous world of Pokemon. Stranded and bewildered, Ethan spends over a year lost in an untamed forest, managing to bide his time and survive while he make sense of his new reality, waiting for rescue. During this time, he creates a little plot of land, all for himself and the surrounding Pokemon---A farm of berry trees, a secluded meadow, and a rough shelter.
One fateful day, Ethan is finally rescued by an experienced Pokémon Ranger named Elise, who helps him arrive at the bustling Eterna City. There, Ethan is introduced to the community of Pokémon trainers, Nurses, and League Officials who welcome him after his harrowing experience. Despite the gentle reception, Ethan feels out of place and uncertain about his future in this unfamiliar world.
Ethan's lack of confidence in battling Pokémon leads him to pursue a different path. Inspired by his connection with the Pokemon from his clearing and his desire to help both Pokémon and their trainers, he decides to become a move tutor and breeder. As he learns more about the new but familiar world he finds himself in, Ethan begins to discover his true potential. He learns the esoteric art of teaching Pokémon new moves and the interesting science of breeding to bring out the best traits in each Pokémon.
This is a little passion project of mine. What is thrown up on here are rough drafts, and me spewing words onto a page. Updates will be wild and sporatic, as this is not my main story. I'm just writing this for fun. There is no planning, it's all off the dome.
Heavily inspired by Pokemon Trainer Vicky, Hard Enough, and The New Normal. Also, a host of other great fanfictions.
Crossposted on AO3 and SpaceBattles. (For now)