In the shadowy world of the Order of Shadows, a young boy named 621, raised from a tender age to be a remorseless instrument, embarks on a path that pushes the boundaries of darkness. As he grapples with the brutal training, sinister manipulation, and the eerie abilities of his fellow pawns, 621's journey takes unexpected turns. His enigmatic past, the cruel handlers, and the other mysterious pawns, all play a role in shaping the story's intricate tapestry.
In a world where morality is obscured, secrets are guarded zealously, and the past remains shrouded in shadows, 621's quest for identity and purpose unfolds in a dark, mysterious, and spellbinding narrative.
Western fantasy mixed with Eastern fantasy, so expect dwarves, elves along with cultivation. Not for the light-hearted, themes of mature, gore and sexual accounts present. This is my warning to you as the author!
Keep in mind that this story is backed by the help of an AI generator; I try my best but this technology is super convenient, however it does have it's disadvantages and inconsistencies at times. Just a heads up I guess.
(Cover art is my creation!)