A galactic civil war, commonly known as the Clone Wars, has raged throughout the shocked galaxy for a few months now. Its end is clouded by darkness. Which the Jedi are blind to. They can't see the trap that slowly closes around them. As a looming shadow crawls in the dark, waiting for the right moment to stifle the light that has ruled over for centuries and more.
Outside of the battle of light and darkness, a few obscured silhouettes scour the changes. Members of a mysterious order. Most believe them to be mere legends. Some believe in their existence. Others might have even spoken to one of their members without ever realizing it.
One thing is certain, a significant change has come to the galaxy. One with effects that will reach across the stars. The robed figures are yet to decide if they are to interrupt the natural order of light and darkness.
Such as they are eccentric old beings, with long forgotten powers.
This story tells us the legend of one such being. We shall follow this particular Gray Lord on her mysterious adventure.
Recommended by Grandmaster Yoda.
A fanfiction this is. Hmm. The Way of the Gray some might say. Read you must. Go!