The story follows Reynold, a man living in the cyberpunk city of Hope. Reynold's life changed forever when his sister Jessica disappeared ten years ago, leaving him with only a scene full of blood and terrifying thoughts. Driven by his loss, Reynold decides to become a detective and solve cases like his sister's.
After ten years, Reynold is working on a case that bears a striking resemblance to his sister's disappearance. He tries to find a connection between the two cases, but reaches a dead end. Desperate for a breakthrough, he heads to his favorite thinking spot, the Neoni nightclub, where he meets Nina, an energized bartender.
Driven by her curiosity and desire to help, Nina assists Reynold in solving the case. Together, they unravel the mystery and uncover the truth behind the connection between the two cases.
View | Series | Vol | Chap | Extra | Group/Host |
Detective Reynold And Neoni Nightclub | 12 | Protest In Fun Haven District | RoyalRoadL | |
Detective Reynold And Neoni Nightclub | 11 | Joe The Average | RoyalRoadL | |
Detective Reynold And Neoni Nightclub | 10 | The Tower Of Babylon | RoyalRoadL | |
Detective Reynold And Neoni Nightclub | 9 | The police station | RoyalRoadL | |
Detective Reynold And Neoni Nightclub | 8 | The Storehouse | RoyalRoadL | |
Detective Reynold And Neoni Nightclub | 7 | Neoni's father | RoyalRoadL | |
Detective Reynold And Neoni Nightclub | 6 | The Bane Of Wolves | RoyalRoadL | |
Detective Reynold And Neoni Nightclub | 5 | Unicorns | RoyalRoadL | |
Detective Reynold And Neoni Nightclub | 4 | Reynold The Fighter | RoyalRoadL | |
Detective Reynold And Neoni Nightclub | 3 | ٍEagle Clubs | RoyalRoadL | |
Detective Reynold And Neoni Nightclub | 2 | She must have been blonde | RoyalRoadL | |
Detective Reynold And Neoni Nightclub | 1 | Neoni Nightclub | RoyalRoadL |