I found a mech, then got transported to a fantasy world!

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Gavin Mathews was driving home from college when a giant mech appeared in the air and then crashed to the ground. He went to explore the wreck when it suddenly disappeared with him inside. It reappeared in the middle of a battle in a fantasy world. Now Gavin must try to survive in the new world with the pilot of the mech, which happens to be a strange girl. Let the fun begin!

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485 d, 22 h ago Probably stalled or dropped!
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  • I found a mech, then got transported to a fantasy world!
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Releases found: 21

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Series Releases:

Latest release - ch. 21.0
View Series Vol Chap Extra Group/Host
I found a mech, then got transported to a fantasy world! 21 21 - Capital RoyalRoadL
I found a mech, then got transported to a fantasy world! 20 20 - Journey RoyalRoadL
I found a mech, then got transported to a fantasy world! 19 19 - Second Watch RoyalRoadL
I found a mech, then got transported to a fantasy world! 18 18 - First Watch RoyalRoadL
I found a mech, then got transported to a fantasy world! 17 17 - Unleashed RoyalRoadL
I found a mech, then got transported to a fantasy world! 16 16 - Trouble RoyalRoadL
I found a mech, then got transported to a fantasy world! 15 15 - Airship RoyalRoadL
I found a mech, then got transported to a fantasy world! 14 14 - Repairs RoyalRoadL
I found a mech, then got transported to a fantasy world! 13 13 - Town RoyalRoadL
I found a mech, then got transported to a fantasy world! 12 12 - Underdog RoyalRoadL
I found a mech, then got transported to a fantasy world! 11 11 - General RoyalRoadL
I found a mech, then got transported to a fantasy world! 10 10 - Understanding RoyalRoadL
I found a mech, then got transported to a fantasy world! 9 9 - Rest Stop RoyalRoadL
I found a mech, then got transported to a fantasy world! 8 8 - Introductions RoyalRoadL
I found a mech, then got transported to a fantasy world! 7 7 - Escape RoyalRoadL
I found a mech, then got transported to a fantasy world! 6 6 - Greetings RoyalRoadL
I found a mech, then got transported to a fantasy world! 5 5 - Golems RoyalRoadL
I found a mech, then got transported to a fantasy world! 4 4 - Decision RoyalRoadL
I found a mech, then got transported to a fantasy world! 3 3 - Pilot RoyalRoadL
I found a mech, then got transported to a fantasy world! 2 2 - Battlefield RoyalRoadL
I found a mech, then got transported to a fantasy world! 1 1 - Mech RoyalRoadL