NOTE: This is a Royal Road Community Magazine (June 2023) Entrant In a near-future cyberpunk world ravaged by an ongoing war with an alien race, Kazuki Morimoto struggles with recurring nightmares that haunt his daily life. His mother, filled with concern, tries her best to comfort him. Through a series of flashbacks, we learn about Kazuki's father, a heroic figure who departed through a mysterious "mirror" portal to fight in the first war against the aliens. Kazuki becomes convinced that his nightmares are connected to the aliens and his father's fate, leading him to join the Space Marine Corps to confront his fears. As he faces intense battles and encounters with the alien civilization, Kazuki's beliefs are challenged, triggering a transformation in his character.
However, Kazuki's journey takes an unexpected turn when he uncovers a conspiracy within the federation, involving the "mirror" technology and the aliens. Navigating the dangers, he unravels the truth and exposes the corruption and power games at play. The story builds up to a climactic confrontation where Kazuki faces both the alien leaders and the human masterminds behind the conspiracy. With courage and strategic thinking, he emerges as a changed person, far from the young man tormented by nightmares. The resolution brings an end to Kazuki's nightmares, alters the course of the war, and showcases his personal growth and transformation in this thrilling cyberpunk tale.