Immerse yourself in the captivating tale of Suzuki, a disenchanted 25-year-old janitor from Tokyo, who yearns for excitement beyond his mundane existence. His life takes an unexpected turn when a fateful encounter with a garbage truck sends him to a fantastical realm, reborn as a sloth armed with an extraordinary magical fanny pack. With the ability to store infinite items and conjure special objects as he levels up, Suzuki embarks on an enthralling journey filled with quests, challenges, and video game-like elements.
Delve into the whimsical and cozy world of this Isekai LitRPG, where Suzuki relies on his gaming prowess to hone his skills and transform his new life. Revel in the delightful blend of stats, notifications, and enchanting adventures that await in this heartwarming and exhilarating tale.