In a world where gods are divided into the greater gods known as Crowns and the lesser gods known as Hallows, Elian, God of Healing and Protection, is known as the most powerful and beloved of the Hallows amongst mortals. Unlike the other distant and reclusive deities, he is known to travel the world, personally aiding troubled mortals.
But his road to reaching this point was a long and harsh one, filled with pain, loss, manipulation, and betrayal. Upon choosing to share this story with an idealistic mortal princess, their respective views of heroism and altruism will be challenged.
And what of the vicious and vile Sun Fiend following his path?
Heroes, gods, kings, all. Are they not human too?
Renegade's Redemption: Dust is a slowburn tragic fantasy story with a heavy emphasis on characters, featuring a unique magic system and well-constructed fight scenes. It observes several immortal deities and their world as both change over time, and change each other, as centuries and millennia pass them boy.
Volume 1 is now complete. Volume 2 is in progress. Updates every other Monday.