Momo The Ripper [A Lighthearded Necromancer Progression Fantasy]

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Follow Momo, a terribly ordinary college student who is transported into a fantasy world where she is the new recruit in a coven of Necromancers. Watch her as she gains confidence (and class levels), and reluctantly rises from meager apprentice to the Queen of the Underworld.For Momo, an anti-social art major perpetually at risk of dropping out, college life wasn't a great fit. When she wakes up one morning in a dark, foul cavern full of skeletons and necromancers, she knows a new era of her life is about to start - and dedicates herself to actually being successful in this one. A sensitive, feeble girl, she isn't a natural-born necromancer, but through the mentorship of High Necromage Valerica, and a host of friends and enemies she meets along the way, she will grow in power and reach heights she never dreamed of.

This is a lighthearted and humorous (but epic!) LitRPG, with a vivid world full of characters for Momo to meet, battle, and revive from the dead.

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726 d, 13 h ago Probably stalled or dropped!
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  • Momo The Ripper [A Lighthearded Necromancer Progression Fantasy]
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Releases found: 23

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Series Releases:

Latest release - ch. 14.0
View Series Vol Chap Extra Group/Host
Momo The Ripper [A Lighthearded Necromancer Progression Fantasy] 14 14 - I'm Not Paid Enough to Deal With This RoyalRoadL
Momo The Ripper [A Lighthearded Necromancer Progression Fantasy] 13 13 - It's Called a Cerberus RoyalRoadL
Momo The Ripper [A Lighthearded Necromancer Progression Fantasy] 12 12 - All Classed Up RoyalRoadL
Momo The Ripper [A Lighthearded Necromancer Progression Fantasy] 11 11 - The Earl of Bruda RoyalRoadL
Momo The Ripper [A Lighthearded Necromancer Progression Fantasy] 10 10 - Devola and Valerica RoyalRoadL
Momo The Ripper [A Lighthearded Necromancer Progression Fantasy] 9 9 - Bone Dance RoyalRoadL
Momo The Ripper [A Lighthearded Necromancer Progression Fantasy] 8 8 - Beast Tamer RoyalRoadL
Momo The Ripper [A Lighthearded Necromancer Progression Fantasy] 8 8 - Beast Tamer RoyalRoadL
Momo The Ripper [A Lighthearded Necromancer Progression Fantasy] 7 7 - Death by Tummy Ache RoyalRoadL
Momo The Ripper [A Lighthearded Necromancer Progression Fantasy] 7 7 - Death by Tummy Ache RoyalRoadL
Momo The Ripper [A Lighthearded Necromancer Progression Fantasy] 6 6 - Excalibur RoyalRoadL
Momo The Ripper [A Lighthearded Necromancer Progression Fantasy] 6 6 - Excalibur RoyalRoadL
Momo The Ripper [A Lighthearded Necromancer Progression Fantasy] 5 5 - One Person's Trash is Another Person's Undead Cat RoyalRoadL
Momo The Ripper [A Lighthearded Necromancer Progression Fantasy] 5 5 - One Person's Trash is Another Person's Undead Cat RoyalRoadL
Momo The Ripper [A Lighthearded Necromancer Progression Fantasy] 4 4 - Momo's First Exploitation RoyalRoadL
Momo The Ripper [A Lighthearded Necromancer Progression Fantasy] 4 4 - Momo's First Exploitation RoyalRoadL
Momo The Ripper [A Lighthearded Necromancer Progression Fantasy] 3 3 - The Wizard of Kalendale RoyalRoadL
Momo The Ripper [A Lighthearded Necromancer Progression Fantasy] 2 2 - Momo's Dead Pets RoyalRoadL
Momo The Ripper [A Lighthearded Necromancer Progression Fantasy] 2 2 - Momo's Dead Pets RoyalRoadL
Momo The Ripper [A Lighthearded Necromancer Progression Fantasy] 1 1.2 - Escape Plan RoyalRoadL
Momo The Ripper [A Lighthearded Necromancer Progression Fantasy] 1 1 - The Newest Necromage RoyalRoadL
Momo The Ripper [A Lighthearded Necromancer Progression Fantasy] 1 1.2 - Escape Plan RoyalRoadL
Momo The Ripper [A Lighthearded Necromancer Progression Fantasy] 1 1 - The Newest Necromage RoyalRoadL