In a new world, Felix faces unfathomable realities and countless inscrutable possibilities. There are monsters to slay and monsters to train. Some to wage a war on and others to befriend. They take all shapes and forms, some even in the human one. And sometimes it makes it almost impossible to know a friend from a foe. But all of that matters very little - once he realizes he may be the biggest monster of them all.
This is a story about a man trying to get back home, back to his loved ones he was so violently and suddenly torn from. His goal appears closer with every day he can grow his power and further away with every mishap that befalls him.
***This should be an unorthodox dungeon story with LitRPG and card-deck building elements.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language, and the posting here presents only an early edition. Hopefully, one day I'll get a professional to edit it, but this is it for now. Please feel free to offer your edits, notes and opinions. Thank you!