Set in Earth's near future, Eli is snatched away from his life and thrown into a magical world filled with cultists, bandits, demons, and gods. Lucky for him, he has a sometimes helpful piece of technology implanted in his head, a strange combination of powers, and a few friends he makes along the way. Eli faces battles, magic, and technology while trying to survive in a new universe built around personal strength and bloodlines. Join Eli as he discovers the secrets behind the Oververse, the Greater Infinite, and humanity's place in it all.
*My release schedule is M/W around 9 am (PST). Here's a link to a simple map I made for Book 1 in case you'd like something to help visualize the journey. I hope you enjoy the story!
Update on the writing:
Book 1 (Eyes of the Sign): The total length is 44 chapters. Please note that the published version that'll appear on Amazon later this year will have slight differences due to a final edit/polish.
Book 2 (TBD): Approximately the same length as book 1, new releases follow my regular schedule. Please keep in mind that they're rough and largely unedited.
Book 3 (TBD): Early development.