Austin, a 15-year-old Pokémon aficionado, finds himself growing increasingly disenchanted with Ash's journey in the Black and White series. As sleep overtakes him, his restless mind swirls with frustration, unknowingly triggering a dark and twisted transformation.
Upon awakening, Austin is shocked to find himself inhabiting Ash's body, right at the beginning of the Pokémon series he once adored. However, the world that surrounds him is far from the one he remembers. An eerie, foreboding atmosphere casts a pall over the once-vibrant landscape, each step in their journey now shrouded in uncertainty and dread. The bright hues and welcoming smiles of the Pokémon universe have been usurped by sinister shadows and hauntingly hollow expressions, as a malevolent darkness threatens to consume the realm that Austin once held so dear.
Could this distorted reality truly be the Pokémon world he once cherished?