Ix The Undying is a Sci-Fi short story anthology set in the shared dystopian setting of the mobile city of Ix. Home to a few million people, nobody knows where it came from or how they got there - that all happened in the distant past. Nobody knows. The cityship trundles through the Outside, a nightmare apocalypse of sentient weather, moving terrain, mutants and traitorous raiders. The immortal Imperatrix is both Goddess, Ruler, Central Distributed Intelligence and Mother to the city. Everyone serves the bueroreligious orders that control life. As long as the city moves, it survives.
Stopping is Death.
There are elements of Dark Humor, mild Horror, being trapped in a corporate-religious-technostate and an unreliable setting which may change depending on the time the story is written in, the changing nature of the world or the whims of a moody mechanical Empress.
This is a WIP - any feedback is strongly appreciated!
View | Series | Vol | Chap | Extra | Group/Host |
Ix The Undying | 2 | Chapter 02 - Ixtracted | RoyalRoadL | |
Ix The Undying | 1 | Chaptor 01 - Ixploring | RoyalRoadL | |
Ix The Undying | Chapter 00 - Ixception | RoyalRoadL |