Okay so there are these trials to become an Ascended, but to qualify for the trials one must be misfortunate or lucky to become an Immortal Soul. In my case misfortunate, see my trial is to write something in here about this thing. Okay lets try... hm. hm.
There are those that know this is the 10th time Level 1 was remade. Some of them were present during its destruction, its how i learned about it. One told me, while we were traveling trough the Void. They are called the Ascended. Which is what I am tryng to become. So this time level 1 is split into two parts for some reason. Novadalier a place of magic and wonder but mostly danger. So much danger. Then you have the Overvoid, i'm from there, a place where magic is only thought of as fiction. What kind of trials wait those who wish to become Ascended and what is beyond Level 1? Wait what does it even mean to be an ascended? Am I done narrating this? Is the trail over? Help im stuck in here!!! Somebody!!! help!!!