the father of gods, only known as Etano, created the world, and along with it the creation of many other gods, due to their loneliness, they created many races, all with different names and characteristics, but the first among them were the humans,many gods had many differing opinions on each race with slot of them taking favourites, then one day etano fell into a deep slumber, some of the gods saw this as an opportunity to make their favourite race the rulers of this new world, and thus the war of the gods came to be, but that was forever agoAster the one who worlds the powers of the earth, calm and observant, Barak who holds the powers of lightning, one who loves to fight, Levant blessed with the powers of fire, quick to act and fiercely loyal and polaris weIlding the power of ice, as such is his nature cold, these four boys have been together since the day they were born and have all ways had a strange connection to each other, now, for the first time in a long time all four of them are together again, but that is quickly overshadowed when they are greeted a strange woman who came seeking their help infiltrates their village, The boys take this opportunity as they have all been seeking to leave the island they call home, like Barak who seeks a way to prove his strength or Polaris who needs to escape his home, But when they arrive at their destination,they find an entire continent embroiled in war, Aluric the young guild master of the Artemis guild, who is is said to have devastatingly ambitious plans for the entire continent, And Ea the Prince of the kingdom who started the entire war,The Dracht Empire, are the two at the fore front of this battle, and unknown to all of them an even deadlier enemy lurks in the shadows, with their targets set in their sights how will each of the boys face and overcome their self and their challenges as the world changes before their own eyes,
Join our protagonists in this action heavy story with lots of worldbuildingand even more interesting characters as they all go through their own journeys