In this world, there is a desperate power struggle between humans, who call themselves the Hero Realm, against the Beasts from the Beyond. Given techniques and abilities that they harness, the Heroes are able to fend for themselves, just enough to create a power struggle amongst themselves. Joran is a young man graduating from the Central Districts, yet he must take the Exam before moving on. Although he wishes to have a simpler life than most, destiny has more important things in store for him, changing his life forever.
Book 1: Nascence
Joran is faced with the crushing reality of the world as he is shown to possess legendary potential. Forced onto the center stage, him and his now-friend Hando, set off to the grand metropolis of the Hero Realm. Where the seat of power resides, as well as the technological pinnacle of Humanity.
Part 1 of a "Universe Untold"
Book cover by @Fymer