Victor was your normal everyday hardcore gamer who loved to play RPG's. The newest RPG to hit the market, The Reborn of Ceru, was one of the ways that the goddesses of the world brought excitement and entertainment to their world. It was more fun to bring a foreigner into their world and watch how they adapt then it was to raise a hero to fight a horde of monsters.
Neulla was the goddess of Karma and Balance. She was known for being obsessive with the details, so for a bit of spite, Ethys, the goddess of Birth and Mortality, cursed her with a short term memory problem. She could remember important things, but insignificant details will always be forgotten.
This would result in a level one character being placed in an area meant for level twenty characters, with no starter equipment, and an ungodly number of inherited character traits. There were so many, each one was now listed with only its initials, and no primer to say what it actually was meant to do. Being the goddess of Balance and Karma, but also cursed with forgetfulness, Neulla added positive and negative traits one after another. The positive added up to be a few dozen. The negative added only to two. She forgot that if you add the same one twice, the first entry of it will disappear.
Victor was a level one character, in his real body, on an alternate world of sword and magic, without cash, with no gear, and forever locked out of Noobtown.
WIP - chapters will be posted on Mondays, as close to 7 AM, Atlantic time as I can make it. I like twists, and strange things. Wait until you meet my elves in chapter 8. I will label each explicit chapter with a NSFW tag in the chapter title, the first in chapter 9.