In a world where magical runes called Rebirths rest in the hands of hostile nations, fourteen-year-old Aiden lived a quiet life in a small town conveniently named Khalm. Born with crescent-shaped irises and silver hair, young Aiden was never bothered by his unusual birthmarks until the night his life as a simple delivery boy changed. He was the 'Rebirth Destroyer', someone ruling powers deemed a threat.
Chased by death and the foretelling of the world ending by his hands, Aiden soon finds that there are few people he can trust.
This is the second book in the Rebirth Of series. Damnation continues immediately after Rebirth of Destiny.
If you liked Rebirth of Destiny/Damnation, then look forward to Rebirth of Destiny II, sometime in the future. My stories are fantasy based and heavily influenced by the classic Final Fantasy games ( by classic I mean 1-10 ) with one difference; the main characters are Black.
So, please look forward to Rebirth of Destiny II, a new story, new universe, new cast, same old Rebirths, COMING SOON(er or later). : )