The story takes place in a Rethstal (Realm Structure) a kind of artificial pocket dimension. The story centers around the rivalry of two Fel Homs (Latin and Tolkieness for "Men Evil in Essence"), These particular two are from rival clans both created by a sadistic timeless being; an Aeon named Vanihm. It is the story of good coming from evil, of foes who become strangers, and strangers who become brothers; as Dyne. All of this amid a territorial despute between Aeons over a former Hard-Sync Simulation, and the critiques of ethics, science and religion that come with it..
Full disclosure: " Good" and "evil" don't exist in my world, characters described as such are just based on other characters' opinion of them. The protagonists are not Mary sues, they have flaws, they can be dickish, or naive. the story is more focused on how they learn to live with their flaws, those of others, and accept that they are only mortal and nothing more than playthings in the hands of the Aeons, and through that humility the toy surpasses the toymaker. The essence of the Brothers Dyne is the fallacy of thinking that creatures which the Aeons create cannot turn on their creators, Vanihm sees his creations as nothing more than toys, so his actions towards them cannot be said to be evil in a general sense, but imagine if you were the toy, imagine if you were aware of living and dying for someone else's amusement, then Vanihm is just ignorant and conceited.
Antagonists won't have some silly plan to rule the world or get revenge at all costs. Here they're just people caught in a sticky situation and have to make tough choices which ultimately lead to bad things happening. Realistic believable plots with a hint of irony.
And so I don't get confused as a litRPG; Hard-Sync simulation is not a computer simulation, it's like LARPing except Aeons use machines to project their minds into the bodies of living hosts and engage in a physical environment which is regularly rebuilt. This story won't be about Hard-Sync however, this is a post Hard-Sync world with some players refusing to leave the game after it's been closed down.
It's important to note also that the "power" of aeons is based more in assets, influence and hyper advanced technology. They're considered gods by their creations but they don't snap their fingers to create life, rather they research for years, share ideas, design bodies and organs before finally producing a living thing. The process gets streamlined along the way but still. The only magical thing about Aeons is their clairessence, you'll hear that word a lot in the book, it's vaguely explained, and largely demostrated. But even with that it is very subtle.
View | Series | Vol | Chap | Extra | Group/Host |
Book 4: The Brothers Dyne | 4 | 30-26 | Page 26 - 30 | RoyalRoadL |
Book 4: The Brothers Dyne | 4 | 26-23 | Page 23 - 26 | RoyalRoadL |
Book 4: The Brothers Dyne | 4 | 18-16 | Page 16 - 18 | RoyalRoadL |
Book 4: The Brothers Dyne | 4 | 15-13 | Page 13 - 15 | RoyalRoadL |
Book 4: The Brothers Dyne | 4 | 12-10 | Page 10 - 12 | RoyalRoadL |
Book 4: The Brothers Dyne | 4 | 9-7 | Page 7 - 9 | RoyalRoadL |
Book 4: The Brothers Dyne | 4 | 6-4 | Page 4 - 6 | RoyalRoadL |
Book 4: The Brothers Dyne | 4 | 3-1 | Page 1 - 3 | RoyalRoadL |
Book 4: The Brothers Dyne | 4 | 22 | Page 22 | RoyalRoadL |
Book 4: The Brothers Dyne | 4 | 21 | Page 21 | RoyalRoadL |
Book 4: The Brothers Dyne | 4 | 20 | Page 20 | RoyalRoadL |
Book 4: The Brothers Dyne | 4 | 19 | Page 19 | RoyalRoadL |