Adrian Kahler is a psychologist turned detective. He has a Sherlock Holmes intellect, extrasensory perception, and an ability to manipulate computers that even Steve Jobs would envy. From his fortress-like home, high above the Chesapeake Bay, he directs his two operatives. Stanley Egor is a former Navy SEAL who presents the visual impact of a Polish Shaquille O'Neal. Barry Sandler is a young empath, unable to control his evolving gift. He's an everyman caught between two supermen, Kahler with his extrasensory perception and Egor with his lethal SEAL skills. Barry says of himself, "My only useful talent is stubbornness."
A killer roams the streets of Baltimore. He loves his family. He's respected by his friends. He's being controlled by a cabal that uses murder to advance its business interests. At first he remembers nothing of what he has done. Then he begins to suspect. He begs Kahler for his help.