Yuri is an ordinary adventurer who passed his life doing nothing but goofing around and waiting for a miracle. Being a hard worker and such, he has gained the trust of his hometown but is a letdown for only staying around the Guild. Due to this, he became too unknown but is still strong due to an unknown reason. One day, his hometown got invaded by goblins, such as to say, that when this happened; the town was set ablaze, people were dying and here he appeared, ready to save the day. With the long battle setting foot, he goes onto his own to save the others in the other side but that was when a power appeared, he became thirsty to fight more to spill more blood. Putting more pressure, power and fear to everyone around him and without knowing much about his entire power nor if he was reincarnated or not. He goes onto a journey. Meeting a lot of friends, enemies and places. This is the story of the Stray Shadow also known as the Shadow Demon. [Created by: Frischer19]