In a futuristic world where your Genetic Abilities determine your status, Drew Li, a seventeen-year-old orphan living on Planet Kraus, makes his living by working in a soup kitchen at the Star Military Academy Training Base. As a series of events changes his life forever, Drew is given a chance to embark on his path to becoming an Intergalactic Warrior. Follow Drew as he becomes a Legend.
WARNING: This is not heavy LitRPG!
*No Harems, No Sex Scenes, No Pseudo-Harems, No Truck-kun Isekais, No Isekais! **Lots of references and short chapters. Be warned! ***I do not own the image. ****Unstable Author. (No, I don't drink or do drugs. I'm just high every time a chapter is being written.)
Bear with me here as I'm not a master of English.