The protagonist, Izumigaoka Hayato, lives alone, and is a loner in school. On his birthday, he receives a message from his father, announcing a soon-to-arrive birthday present. Sure enough, a beautiful girl named Tsukiyono Akari arrives at his doorstep a few minutes later, calling herself a 'rental family member.' She claims that Hayato's father paid for her, and that she will be looking after him from now on.
View | Series | Vol | Chap | Extra | Group/Host |
Ie ni Kaeru to Kanojo ga Kanarazu Nanika Shiteimasu | 1 | 1 | CClaw Translations | |
Ie ni Kaeru to Kanojo ga Kanarazu Nanika Shiteimasu | 1 | Prologue | CClaw Translations | |
Ie ni Kaeru to Kanojo ga Kanarazu Nanika Shiteimasu | CClaw Translations |