The story revolves around Kinjirou Sakamachi, a 17 year old high school boy who suffers from gynophobia. The sickness known as gynophobia makes his nose bleed every time he has physical contact with a female. While using the bathroom he accidentally discovers that the popular and handsome butler, Subaru Konoe, is in fact a girl.
Now that Kinjirou knows about Subaru's secret, he must work together with Subaru and her sadistic mistress, Kanade, to protect Subaru's secret from being discovered.
View | Series | Vol | Chap | Extra | Group/Host |
Mayo Chiki! | 2 | 130 | Nanodesu | |
Mayo Chiki! | 2 | 7-1 | Nanodesu | |
Mayo Chiki! | 2 | 6-2 | Nanodesu | |
Mayo Chiki! | 2 | 6 | Nanodesu | |
Mayo Chiki! | 2 | 5 | Nanodesu | |
Mayo Chiki! | 2 | 4 | Nanodesu | |
Mayo Chiki! | 9 | Qidian International | ||
Mayo Chiki! | 8 | Qidian International | ||
Mayo Chiki! | 7 | Qidian International | ||
Mayo Chiki! | 6 | Qidian International | ||
Mayo Chiki! | 5 | Qidian International | ||
Mayo Chiki! | 4 | Qidian International | ||
Mayo Chiki! | 3 | Qidian International | ||
Mayo Chiki! | 2 | Qidian International | ||
Mayo Chiki! | 1 | Qidian International | ||
Mayo Chiki! | 1 | Chapter 1: The Butler's Secret – Part 1 | Qidian International |