In the world of Arcania Online, each race of sentient beings has a unique form of magic, gifted to them by the gods. each magic is powerful, but each has limits. this is a story of how one guild rose to the top, learning all magic, and mastering it all. this is the story of how that guild used its power to bring justice on all who break the unspoken laws of the world. this is the story of The Wild Hunt.
Just a story that I will work on in my free time. heavy VR theme, and lots of character interaction. some forms of violence will pop up, but nothing serious. There will be a lot of references to Don't Fear the Reaper, LNW, No Longer a Game, UO, and Clockwork. also some references to pop culture and other things like that. mostly about how each member of the guild got so powerful. plan for about 50ish? chapters, possibly more.
Any ideas on class/ skill names are good, as I already have most skills figured out, but any and all suggestions are apricciated.