Rinkan no Madoushi

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The Gods left a blessing to the world and went away. In marginal land, "Misthound", a healer named Celo lived. Even though he was given an excellent magic tool maker from his grandfather, Celo couldn't make anything with it or use it. After his grandfather's death, he served under Ordba, and in the same time he trained to become a healer. One day, a royal magic knight named Harumubakku appeared. It seems that he was interested in his grandfather's magic tool.

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10 Volumes (Complete)
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Last Update:
2017 d, 8 h ago Probably stalled or dropped!
Alternate Names: [edit] [history]
  • Rinkan no Madoushi
  • 輪環の魔導師
  • Sorcerer of the Ring
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Releases found: 28

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Latest release - vol. 1.0, ch. 5.0 pt. 1.0
View Series Vol Chap Extra Group/Host
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 5-1 Silva's Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 4-4 Silva's Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 4-3 Silva's Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 4-2 Silva's Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 4-1 Silva's Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 3-5 Silva's Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 3-4 Silva's Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 3-3 Silva's Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 3-2 Silva's Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 3-2 Re:Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 3-1 Silva's Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 2-5 Silva's Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 2-4 Silva's Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 2-3 Silva's Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 2-2 Silva's Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 2-2 Re:Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 2-1 Silva's Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 1-5 Silva's Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 1-4 Silva's Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 1-3 Silva's Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 1-2 Silva's Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 1-2 Re:Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 1-1 Silva's Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 Illustrations Silva's Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 Silva's Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 Re:Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 Illustrations Silva's Library
Rinkan no Madoushi 1 Illustrations Silva's Library