The Eye of Fate: Thoth's Revelation

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In the world of Inversa which is on the verge of apocalypse, a young boy and a scientist are dragged by fate and guided by a key from the past to a hidden country with an ancient civilization where women wield supreme power. They must unravel the mysteries concealed within the civilization to discover the profound ancient knowledge. What will be the fate of Inversa?

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Last Update:
212 d, 20 h ago Probably stalled or dropped!
Alternate Names: [edit] [history]
  • The Eye of Fate: Thoth's Revelation
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Releases found: 3

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Series Releases:

Latest release - vol. 1.0, ch. 2.0
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The Eye of Fate: Thoth's Revelation 1 2 Volume 1: Chapter 2: Marinthal ScribbleHub
The Eye of Fate: Thoth's Revelation 1 1 Volume 1: Chapter 1: The Enigmatic Sage of Epochs ScribbleHub
The Eye of Fate: Thoth's Revelation Prologue: The weaver of fate ScribbleHub