March 23, 2010 was regular Tuesday for Jackie. Dealing with the frustrations of school, going shopping with his best friend Carmen, and...
Step into an everchanging world as a mysterious wall of mist awakens changes in life forms across the planet. In the chaos, Jackie wakes up faced with his best friend suddenly in a cool and swanky outfit he's never seen before, and the reflection staring back at him is... a small pink haired girl!? Why is there a woman throwing fireballs? Why is there a minotaur!? And why is Carmen constantly saying they're magical girls!?!? Life is about to get a lot more complicated and confusing as the world enters an era of mystery and fantasy invading the modern day.
Prism Girls is a magical girl series set in a modern setting with significant magical elements. Expect themes of questioning gender identity, LGBTQIA+ themes, and other sensitive topics including racial themes.
Updates every Monday and Friday