Two years have passed since the transformation of Tokyo. Highschool student Akizuki Renji along with popular idol, Yumiie Kanata became "invaders";people whose task was to invade 'Critical Zone: Tokyo'. In the dead city known to be controlled by the 'enemies of mankind' can the promise sworn between Renji and Kanata be fulfilled!? (Source: Amazon, translated)
View | Series | Vol | Chap | Extra | Group/Host |
Tokyo Inroaded: Closed Eden | 1 | 1-4 | Light Novel Bastion | |
Tokyo Inroaded: Closed Eden | 1 | 1-3 | Light Novel Bastion | |
Tokyo Inroaded: Closed Eden | 1 | 1-2 | Light Novel Bastion | |
Tokyo Inroaded: Closed Eden | 1 | 1-1 | Light Novel Bastion | |
Tokyo Inroaded: Closed Eden | 1 | Prologue | Light Novel Bastion |