A fairly significant change in how the backend manages chapter fragments has just been pushed out to the site, which may cause some minor issues. If you encounter any issues, please let me know in the forum, I'll see about fixing the problems as soon as I can.
The search has been tweaked to attempt to improve it's utility. It now matches by string similarity or prefix.
While this isn't ideal, it should be an improvement on the previous behaviour, which only did string similarity against the entire title.
Additionally, a "similar series" list has been added to the series-view page, which uses the item tags to try to guess which other series have much in common with series the page is for.
I've updated the forum with a proper post-writing & editing dialog.
It's stolen from based on the StackExchange realtime-preview editor (well, a bootstrap port), which makes posting in the forums a lot nicer.
I'm planning on further improving the forum, as well as trying to get a good similar-series recommendation system going in the next week or two. I'd also like to improve the site search, which has some odd behaviour currently as a result of the underlying search system, or my use of said search system (I have not determined exactly which, yet).
Well, RoyalRoadL rolled back the new site release they did, so the updates should be working normally again.
RoyalRoadL has apparently decided they needed to ruin their site with excessive use of Ajax, so the RoyalRoadL data source is broken until I can patch the scraper to deal with it.
Protip - you don't need lazy loading. No really, you DO NOT need to lazy-load page content with Ajax. First, it's a big "FUCK YOU" to people who don't have JavaScript enabled. Second, it breaks the entire point of HTML.
If you think it's a good idea you are a bad person and should feel bad.