2017-12-02 07:00
<p>She had been known as Neira Sunkin, the golden princess, the heart and sorrow of the realm, the girl who vanished.</p> <p>She had been known as Neira Lifesbane, the witchqueen, the deceiver, the necromancer, the heretic, the woman who was defeated.</p> <p>She would forge a new legend for herself, this time in secret. She would spread her influence from the far north to beyond the blight, free of her previous burden. She would carve the most exquisit souls and craft the most abtruse spells. Deep in her dungeon, hidden from the gaze of the Divine, she would finally be free ! Free to uncover the truth of the System. Free to explore the bounds of space and time.</p> <p>Free to reach transcendance...</p> <p>Quick note : this is just a beginning, as I'm not familiar yet with the intricacies of the RRL editor, or with writing in general, I may take some time to experiment with a few things before really getting into the story. Tags and warnings may evolve.</p>