2022-01-19 10:50
<p>How much would you have to drink to save your donkey from skyrates?*</p> <p>*Skyrates are just like pirates, except they're in the sky.</p> <p>Sir Broderick is a man on a mission—catch the low-down skyrates that stole his beloved donkey Assafrass.</p> <p>Yes, Assafrass. Not a typo.</p> <p>His biggest obstacle?</p> <p>Himself. And the Royal Gourd, who are convinced that he is a skyrate.</p> <p>To be fair, it's mainly Pamela that thinks that. But she's too busy drawing everyone naked to focus on anything else anyway.</p> <p>Luckily, Sir Broderick has a couple of tricks up his sleeve, like the gender-swapping ways of spell-happy Dr. Krumbunculus and the brazen enthusiasm of his old school mate, Biscuit Pisser (don't ask about the name).</p> <p>Know how much you'd have to drink yet?</p> <p>Hey. I was going to ask that. And what's more, I really don't appreciate all these emboldened second person POV sentences you keep interrupting me with.</p> <p>Stop breaking the fourth wall. You're ruining the reading experience.</p> <p>Ruining the reading experience? Is that what I'm doing, eh, ruining the reading experience?</p> <p>What do you think about breaking the fourth wall? Find out. Read Skyrates now.</p> <p>Don't be so bossy. Plus, I was going to tell the readers they ought to read Skyrates.</p> <p>No you weren't, you were too busy droning on about plot points. By the way, read Skyrates now.</p>