2020-02-27 10:40
<p> [Formerly known as Elena from Hell] </p> <p> The world of Melodia is a place of eternal winter. A land that has seen war between men and elves, and then peace by the will of the god Elicia. Peace, by her Law, made reality by the combined hands of her many Archons and their countless armies, and by the blood of the Viziers who serve in their name as guardians and murderers at their beck and call. </p> <p> This is, within this world, the story of Elena de L'Enfer and all who cross her path, be they friend or foe. She is a Lich, an eternal, ancient and bloodless fiend. An elven teenager, a sorcerer made eternal by dark magics from another era by the blessing of gods long dead to the world, a Vizier in service to her enigmatic (and sometimes <em> very </em> whimsical) Archon mistress, Nhaka Mezalune. </p> <p> And so, she fights, and she dies. Over and over. Doing battle, without hesitation, against all manner of fiends and monsters, be they men, elves, or eldritch horrors far beyond even the darkest fathoms of the gods. It is, after all, the duty of a Vizier of the Eye, and of all who walk a similar path. That by their hand, the world of Melodia may live another day, and that the Empire of Arcadia might endure. </p> <p> After all, a Lich's life, eternal as it is, can be very, very expendable. </p>