2017-01-07 10:25
<p>**IMPORTANT NOTES**</p> <p>Disclaimer: ⌠This is a casual story! I am writing this merely for my own amusement. The story is dictated on my whims, changes you may like or not will appear and frankly I don't care. I may stop this or go on hiatus at any time, and will not be dedicated to this sole story. If you want something with a vow to work on it til the end of the world, look elsewhere.</p> <p>Don't expect a concrete plot. Don't expect a world changing story. Don't expect something that hasn't been done before. Don't expect proper grammer, I'm not even proof reading this. Infact everything is just copied from google drive into RR and posted as is. Whether or not the tables even work, I don't really care.</p> <p>And if, despite all this warning, you still foolishly decide to read this novel and it stops, or does something you don't like: Don't say I didn't warn you.⌡</p> <p>Disclaimer2: Don't beg for changes in the story, you can tell me your opinion but don't tell me I'm doing something wrong without an unbiased explanation; not doing so tends to quickly piss me off.</p> <p>** Synopsis **</p> <p>Jired has had a busy and unrelieving life, but that's not important. What is important is that somehow or another he has been killed by a war between crazy gods and has been sent to live life again in another world, not that he really had the option.</p> <p>So now here he is, lost, naked, and slightly overpowered while trying to find his way in this new world and coming to terms with the fact his old life was never ordinary, he just thought it was.</p>