2016-05-31 21:09
<p>There comes a time in a person's life where they start to doubt where they are. Mine came two weeks ago while I was working in a convenience store. I am fed up with being a loser, fed up being called weak and pathetic, fed up of being bullied and made fun of…</p> <p>I say, no more. This is my day by day log of how I went from the bottom all the way to the top.(hopefully) Recorded so that anyone else who hit that point in their life could maybe find direction and guidance, because I know firsthand how shitty that self loathing is, and how badly most of us hate ourselves for wasting our one shot at life like this, hidden away in a cave of some house reading fantasy because we are too mentally weak to face reality and stop our procrastination.</p> <p>This is nonfiction, a play by play of an ascent through the social ranks. No more procrastination, no more stalling, no more gaming or social weakness and fear. No more false smiles or grim jokes at our own expense from everyone around us. Losers, heed my words…</p> <p>I am at that point where I don't give a damn about courtesy… I am going to be a fucking alpha and there isn't anything on the planet that can stop me except myself…</p> <p>Gawk and jeer all you like, so long as this helps even one person, all of the effort will not be in vain. Your self confidence is faked, your narcissism fraudulent. You are smart people, wisen up and get on with your life. Death awaits us all at the end, and many of us are a forth of the way through life already…</p> <p>~~~TLDR~~~~</p> <p>I want to be an alpha, so join me on an initiative…</p> <p>The Alpha male initiative…</p>