2023-03-23 02:02
<p>The strong rise and the weak fall. That is the natural order of all worlds. But in Creon, the strong are not just those that are born strong, but also those that are willing to earn the power that they desire.</p> <p>Earth, however, is different. On Earth, if the weak are born weak, they will never reach higher, no matter their efforts.</p> <p>The Barbados Threadsnake is an excellent example of this. As the tiniest snake known to man, it survives on termite larvae and produces offspring half the size of the adult. whenever a child is born smaller, it is too small to even eat anything, and thus must starve. or burrow holes no bigger than a worm's in search of food.</p> <p>Like this small snake is right now. It is creating a worm-hole in the desperate attempt to find food before it dies of starvation... but that is a snake-hole. right?</p> <p>This is a progression/litRPG-type book. this is my first attempt at writing fiction for anything other than school essays, and I have no idea how it will turn out, but I suppose I can only try. I will not promise a regular publishing schedule(I have decided that once every three days should be doable for me. if I decide that I am bored and I figure that I can post every day or every other day I will.{though, perhaps I will make a backlog. yeah, that seems like a good idea. But will I? cause, that sounds like work}), as I am uncertain of my own writing capabilities when it comes to fiction or world-building. Please comment on how I can improve, or what I am doing right. Thanks! and I hope you enjoy.</p>