2021-12-19 10:48
<p> You can support by leaving a review on Amazon. <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Dungeon-Arcane-ORIGINS-Wizard-Crystallization-ebook/dp/B09NRZLWPG/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=Dungeon+and+Arcane&qid=1639901815&s=digital-text&sr=1-3"> Dungeons and Arcane </a> . </p> <p> A Conspiracy of untold years, Gods, Demons, Rune Destruction. Forced into a world of untold horrors. Alex must forgo the frail nature of his humanity. Forge himself in battle and blood. For an age of death is to come to all. Actions and contracts that are bound to decide the fate of the entire Multiverse shall be decided at this moment. The blood-eyed abyss demon gods look upon the world. The endless gods fight for faith, horrible thunder plunges the world into chaos…. This are just a common incident, this vast world of Arcane. The strong can stand at the top overlooking their chess. Horrible Arcane Runes and Divine energies burn the rivers, destroy city's and level planes… This book tells of a washed up soul from a different world and his journey. </p>