2020-11-27 02:18
<p> Rejection hurts. It stings like a hot knife into the sternum. I thought that I was used to it. That I was too far gone for myself to be hurt by it. But god fucking dammit. When she told me I couldn't want her like I did. I knew that, despite my lack of reaction, that I was gonna crack later. </p> <p> It felt like world was gonna end. Sorry, correction, the world did end. </p> <p> Lightning rained down, demons were born, I just wanted to see her face. </p> <p> -------------- </p> <p> This is a story of sadness, introspection and action. A world crumbling with otherworldy monsters following a guy who's views on the world may have you question the point of existence. </p> <p> -------------- </p> <p> Death: It is I who makes you serious; let us embrace each other - Odilon Redon </p>