2019-08-21 10:27
<p> </p> <p> This is the second book of the series. </p> <p> In a closed game location designed for convicts, the kingdom of ice and snow, the battle of all against all rages on. Humans are an endangered species in these lands; inhuman races are everywhere, and it's often worth having a good look around to avoid being backstabbed as the souls of others are always in demand. Bad news, as always, come last — you can leave the location only by completing an impossible Epic Quest... </p> <p> We are all stuck in this snowy hell forever… </p> <p> Or are we? </p> <p> </p> <p> All the books in the series "the Universe ICS": </p> <strong> Soulcatcher <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Universe-ICS-Soulcatcher-LitRPG-ebook/dp/B07NKLRKXN/ref=sr_1_9?qid=1566222863&refinements=p_27%3AValeria+Kornosenko&s=digital-text&sr=1-9&text=Valeria+Kornosenko"> click here to read 1st book </a> </strong> <strong> Keymaster </strong> <strong> Seeker </strong> <strong> Executioner </strong> <strong> Destroyer </strong> <p> </p>