2015-05-10 11:37
Like an invitations of smell of spring, I was walking along the town, then I was suddenly kidnapped. "Huh? What!? what are you doing to me." When I woke up, I was somehow in the radio recording studio. When I turn around, there was a popular idol voice actress that I admire, Otonashi Madoka sitting across me. Whhhaaaa...what is meaning of this.
Without debate, I was put in to radio recording with her. Conversation that we do in recording is that " where do you hide your porn" and " You are hiding your porn, under your bed right?" and so on. Ahhh... What we are talking about is same subject, that's not changing the subject... Source: <a href="http://www.jcafe24.net/index.php?PHPSESSID=3crirde8gobra81ef7lnu97o90&topic=20143">jcafe</a> </p>